Sunday 15 July 2012

coming up to the end of school year.....

soooooo it's coming up to the end of the school year...that's gone baby only has one more year at little school and then that's it off to big school she goes (iam far tooo young to have 2 children at big school hehe)

well any way i have made her teacher a fab pillow... i hope she likes it? from the fab attic 24 blog have a look at this little number i did...think i may well end up making these for Xmas prezzies they look fab and you can do them in any colour and they would look good....and they were fast to do....

so i am just sat down for 5mins after doing a spot of garding look at my Lily's wow.....

not seen any that colour before so bright for this rain we have been having.... i went out the front garden to have a look at the stream that we have going though the garden...its fab as the girls spend most of the free time down there how lucky we are!!!! there was a lot of water a lot more than normal

it was abit brown tooooo but the sun was out and if the rain keeps away for abit it will start to look nice again....
i also did a spot of baking too i love to bake but it's just having the time for it... made some jam and lemon curd tarts yum yum!!! my girls got home from school and well polished some offffff!!! i did have to hide them.....

well thats about it for now happy hooking and have a nice weekend whats left of it..
