Friday 24 February 2012


do you ever get too many children's yogurts left getting close to their out of date....
yep that's me my girls love them one week and eat lots of them...then the next week...hmmmm
they eat none...arrrrrrrrrr!!!
so this is what i do cus i hate to put them in the bin
and i find that them eat them this way....

3:100's and 1000'
ok now you know were iam going with this i hope..
pop the spoons into the yogurts and then put some 100's and 1000's on top....

just like that then i pop them in the freezer...about a day is ok...then all you have to do is give then to your get them out the pot i just run it under a little hot water and pull it can also use the spoon again....and it save you money and is a good little pudding.
enjoy....get your children doing them!!!

So Summer made me a lovely thing on her ipad...and it made me smile.....

think i may print it out and put it up....hehe...

so i made a nice little bit of up-cycling..had a tin of tuna for dinner... and ping in my little head came....
Herb pot...from attic 24 
so this is what i ended up with...

AND now i want lots of i can crochet them....
my best mate has just moved into a new house..
and guess what she will be getting ...yep!!!
3 pots with herbs in.....hope she will like them...
she likes cooking so fingers crossed iam seeing her next week so all i have to do is eat a lot of tuna....

well iam still doing my bag and iam hopeing by sunday it will be done.....
so iam going to say good night to you all and
nite nite..xsx



  1. Hello, I'm your newest follower from fb's Crocheting Club - thanks for the invitation. I love your blog and this was a great idea to do with yogurt cups. You should really start joining a few blog hops (google Follow Me Tuesday or blog hops) it would build up for following quite a bit. Smiles. Hope you come visit and follow me too. Thanks

    1. thankyou sooooooo much for following me....i will google them thanku and i will come and have a look at your blog to....c u soon xsx
